Your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading around the web.
Articles of the Week
Why Rosa Parks (Still) Matters, Russell Moore.
Confessions of a Lustful Christian Woman, Jonalyn Fincher. When we talk about lust as something that guys struggle with, we ostracize women with similar struggles.
Don’t Let the Screen Strangle Your Soul (Part 2), Kevin DeYoung.
How Can I Sell a Godly Message Without Selling Out? Mark Driscoll. As a Christian, blogging should be less about going viral, and more about serving God’s kingdom for the sake of the gospel.
New Book Reveals Left’s Dream of Child-Free America, Kerry Picket. Devoid of a biblical worldview, marriage and children are torn apart. But there are consequences. The growing trend of couples to intentionally forgo having children is a dangerous one.
On The Lighter Side
Church Signs of the Week, Ed Stetzer. Seeing these sometimes makes me wish that we had still had a church sign.