Your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading around the web.
Articles of the Week
When Ironic Sexism Comes to Church, Sharon Hodde Miller. Have we progressed so far beyond sexism that we can joke about it in the church?
Don’t Let the Screen Strangle Your Soul, Kevin DeYoung. Is technology inherently evil? No. But it always comes with certain dangers, and we would be foolish to ignore them.
Dan and Me: Coming Out as a Friend of Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A, Shane Windmeyer. This is a fascinating example of how Christians ought to interact with those they disagree with. I wish more of the conversation regarding homosexuality would follow the pattern of Windmeyer and Cathy.
Preaching to the Collective Heart, Tim Keller.
Grace for Monotonous Work, Andre Yee.
On The Lighter Side
How Blogs Work In case you didn’t know.