Summit, this weekend I challenged you to personally commit to the cause of missions. I was blown away by your response. I asked our Missions Pastor for a snapshot of the weekend. Here is his reply:
We are still processing the cards. What I can tell you is:
We had 1,449 cards turned in.
1,030 committed to going on a short-term trip in the next 12 months.
337 people committed to praying about a mid-term assignment overseas (1 month to 2 years). There is some overlap with the first here; some checked both short and mid.
156 people committed to praying about a long-term (2+ years) assignment, either locally, within the U.S., or overseas.
23% of those people counted in the worship services (excludes kids) turned in a commitment card of one kind or another.
Our missions team had been boldly praying for 1,000 people to commit to engage in the mission. And God graciously provided more than we had asked or even imagined! May these numbers be just the start of countless more lives that are changed by the gospel.
For those of you who missed your chance this weekend, you haven’t missed your chance completely. Click here to join what God is doing among the nations.