This weekend, in our Can’t Believe series, we’ll be looking at those who “can’t believe” because of sexual sin. I can hardly imagine a more relevant topic for our sex-crazed culture.
Sex is a great thing—a wonderful gift of God. God created it, and He wasn’t surprised that we liked it so much. Our separation from God threw everything off, and powerful things like sex perhaps most of all. For many people, now, obsession with sex is driven by soul thirst. Our cravings for sex are often driven by the vacuum left by the absence of God. Sadly, many of you know from painful experience that sex fails to quench that thirst.
Only through the gospel can we be freed from the bondage of sexual sin—both sins that you have committed and sins committed against you. I want to commend two excellent resources to help you lay hold of that freedom, put together by Brad Hambrick, the Summit’s head counselor.