We received this encouraging note last week from one of our overseas church planters:
“During the Summit’s City Project trip this summer, you remember that Peter, Stone, and Grey came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Yesterday we had the amazing opportunity to baptize all three of them at Fu-Long Beach in Taiwan, and we wanted to share some pictures with you. The ceremony was wonderful and moving. They shared briefly why it was they wanted to be baptized and then we all shared a verse and encouragement. Then, we went into the water and baptized them. We do wish you all could have been here for this. Thank you for your obedience to come and share as you are all a part of their stories!”
Our church planting team in Taiwan has been working with these three students for a while now, and multiple short-term teams have shared with them as well, including teams from the Summit. This is a beautiful picture of the Lord working over time and through a variety of people—career missionaries as well as short-term teams—to see disciples made of all nations. I long to see this replicated a hundredfold, throughout our church and throughout the world!
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